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A marble bathroom with a sink and mirror.

About Us

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Collective Designs

Collective Designs Pte Ltd is a boutique interior design company established in 1991 by its Founder & Principal Designer, Selina Tay.

Collective Designs is widely featured in leading interior design publications in Singapore dating as far back as the 1980’s.

We have become synonymous with an aesthetic of elegant simplicity, contemporary
style and quality workmanship. Simultaneously, each project reflects a keen eye for efficient and practical space planning.

We focus strongly on design integrity and exceptional technical execution while keeping with the clients lifestyle and vision.

Collective Designs has grown from conceptualising boutique homes in Singapore to crafting luxury homes around the world.

Today, our repertoire includes design, turnkey projects, project management, design & build and commercial projects.

Collective Designs is accredited by the Interior Design Federation of Singapore.



We pride ourselves on always doing the right things, and doing them well so clients have peace-of-mind and trust us with their spaces



We want to create spaces that clients are proud of and comfortable in, so we always start with understanding them before creating unique spaces for them



As proud craftsmen, we continually hone our craft and upgrade ourselves by evaluating the latest happening in the industry and applying suitable new ideas in our designs



We are thoughtful, attentive, conscientious<br /> We are measured, committed, understanding<br /> We are considered, visionary, dynamic